Make Your First Call Your Last Call
To Your One-Stop Resource for Disability Services
in Northwestern CT
We Break Barriers Every Day
Independence Northwest is here for you during the COVID-19 pandemic!
Our physical office is now open to the public. Our dedicated staff are working to continue to provide critical services to people with disabilities in northwestern CT.
If you are not sure who you need to speak to, contact our main number 203-729-3299 and our receptionist will connect you. (203-490-2373 video phone). You can also connect with us through our online form at For more up-to-date information on IN, please visit our Facebook page at
For more information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC website at
Please stay safe and practice social distancing and proper hand-washing.
Independence Northwest is unlike any other service provider you may have tried before. Our organization is run by people with disabilities for people with disabilities. Most of the people on our staff, management and board have personally faced the same barriers you face everyday. We’ve learned how to surmount many of the obstacles that stood in the way of our leading more independent lives. We can show you how to do the same.
We know that people with disabilities, no matter how severe the disability, can lead productive, independent and happy lives. We know because we’ve done it ourselves. Whatever your age, whatever your disability, we can help you achieve what you once believed was only a dream. We will work with you every step of the way, lending a hand, providing support, as you make your way to a more independent life.
Who We Are
Independence Northwest is your one-stop resource center for disability advocacy and support services in northwestern CT. No matter what your need — assistance with coming from a rehabilitation facility, finding a job, accessing programs designed to help you — IN is your partner. Most of us have disabilities, too, so we share your point of view and your challenges. More importantly, we have the contacts, infrastructure, lived experience and knowledge to help you enjoy the independent, fulfilling life we all deserve.

Friendly to all
Independence Northwest does not deny services or employment to persons on the basis of their race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, or disability. We make every attempt to meet the unique equal access needs of individual consumers in all of the center’s program and services.
We Know What It's Like
We are committed to your success.
Hear from those we helped:

Ken was a student at Naugatuck Valley Community College studying computer drafting. Ken reached out to Independence Northwest for help in applying for and getting jobs as he neared graduation. Not only did he get assistance with his job search, he learned that the Center needed an information technology specialist, and he got the job.
Ken started as a trainee and with the help of the Center, got his driver’s license, found a home and now lives on his own in the community.
Today, he maintains the Center’s computer server, hardware, software, network security and website. Ken is the Center’s go-to person for help with computers and technology.
Our Promise
We never say ‘we can’t help you’.
If we can’t do it ourselves, we will find someone who does.
Independence Northwest wants to be the last call.